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Roots of Return CIC

Data Protection Policy

Image by Kari Shea

Data Protection Policy

Roots of Return CIC

Privacy and Data Protection Policy (GDPR compliant)


Data Protection Officer and Organisation Lead: Seraphina Bianconi


What we collect:

  • Details on the Roots of Return CIC Grief Tending in Community booking forms.

  • Registration details collected in relation to our services and events. This will include next of kin.


Who is data shared with:

Details are not shared outside the organisation unless there is a Safeguarding concern. Please see our ASG policy here.


How Long is Data Kept:

Data will be kept as long as a person is receiving Roots of Return CIC services.


 How and Where is Data Kept:

Paper data is kept in a locked file at the organisation’s registered office. Electronically by the DPO.

© 2023 by Roots of Return CIC.

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