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The Hastings and St Leonard's Weekly Women's Wellbeing Circle

Hastings and St Leonard's Women's Circle.png

Welcome to The Hastings and St Leonard's Weekly Women's Wellbeing Circle!  This is a donation only space for self-identifying women who live in the local area.  It takes place each week on a Wednesday from 7-9pm at Art in the Park starting from 13th September 2023.

This space will give women:

  • An increased sense of community, belonging and connection

  • An opportunity to be heard, seen and accepted just as we are

  • A sense of being supported and lifting one another up

  • Increased self love and self care

  • Finding our voices and our strength

The Circle will be co-produced and we actively seek the participation of local women each week to offer an activity such as a story, craft/art, self care tool. 

To find out what happens at the Circle, please click here.

It's important to us that this is a safe and welcoming space so if you are intending to join us, please read the Group Agreements below so that you are familiar with how we operate.  We look forward to welcoming you!

Come to the Circle

Group Agreements:

  • We want this to be safe and nurturing space to gather in together.  Sometimes we may share things of a personal nature.  So that we can all feel safe to do this, we ask that confidentiality be maintained at all times.  What is spoken and shared in the Circle stays in the Circle.  The only exception to this is in the case of safeguarding concerns.  Please see our safeguarding policy. 

  • The Circle is a place for us to share and communicate our experiences to one another.  Where possible, we follow the Way of Council.  When someone is speaking, we ask that we listen with our heart.  It is not a space for fixing or offering advice unless this is asked for.

  • We ask that each member of the Circle is responsible for their own wellbeing both inside and outside of the Circle.  We also ask that each person is responsible for deciding whether the space is suitable for them and whilst in the space, for managing their reactions and responses to what is being shared.

  • We agree to treat one another with compassion and respect at all times.  Combative or aggressive behaviour will not be tolerated.

  • The Circle is for self-identifying women.  We may include discussion about topics such as menstruation, menopause and birthing which we aim to do in an inclusive way.  However, we recognise that these topics may not appeal to everyone and we ask that it is the responsibility of each person to decide whether it is appropriate for them to join these discussions.

  • The aim is for the Circle to be co-produced.  Although Roots of Return CIC will hold the space and provide a framework, we invite all participants to play an active role and we particularly invite women to share their skills/passions/knowledge with the Circle.

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© 2023 by Roots of Return CIC.

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